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如果你還在考慮Doctor's Best, 最佳維生素C粉,8.8盎司(250克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Ortho1 Science-Based Nutrition
- Dietary Supplement
- Produced in Scotland
- Vegan
- Non-GMO and Gluten Free
Ascorbic acid is indispensable to the body for its role as an electron donor, supporting numerous enzymes in addition to enhancing the body's total antioxidant potential. It is essential for the synthesis of collagen, carnitine, and certain brain chemical transmitters. Abundant clinical research confirms vitamin C's fundamental support for the brain, eyes, heart and circulation, immune system, and all 髮旺旺the body's other organ systems.
- Fundamental to the body's antioxidant defenses
- Essential cofactor for important enzyme systems
- Promotes healthy immune response
- Essential for joints and other connective tissues
1A nutrient built into the body's chemistry
Doctor's Best, 最佳維生素C粉,8.8盎司(250克)

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